centrifugal effect造句
- As to the high speed of electric spindle system , the angle - contact bearings are usually applied to supporting the shafts . because the supporting stiffness of rolling bearing is non - linear , especially under the circumstances of high speed and ultrahigh speed , the internal working status is so complicated that it is not regarded as routine linear support and ordinary non - linear support . centrifugal effect of the rolling bearing increase the factors of influencing the supporting stiffness
高速电主轴系统的转速很高,通常都采用角接触球轴承作为支承,由于滚动轴承的支承刚度呈非线性形式,特别在高速和超高速情况下,滚动轴承内部的动力学状态十分复杂,由于滚动体运动所产生的离心力作用,使得影响其支承刚度的因素增多,不能作为常规的线性支承和普通的非线性支承处理。 - It's difficult to see centrifugal effect in a sentence. 用centrifugal effect造句挺难的
如何用centrifugal effect造句,用centrifugal effect造句,centrifugal effect in a sentence, 用centrifugal effect造句和centrifugal effect的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。